Questões Concurso Prefeitura de Itatiba - SP

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Listagem de Questões Concurso Prefeitura de Itatiba - SP

#Questão 877052 - Inglês, Interpretação de texto, Avança SP, 2020, Prefeitura de Itatiba - SP, Professor de Educação Básica - PEB II - inglês

Read the following expression and match each one to the correct definition:

I. “A blessing in disguise”
II. “Beat around the bush”
III. “Bite the bullet”
IV. “Call it a day”

( ) “avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable” ( ) “to get something over with because it is inevitable” ( ) “a good thing that seemed bad at first” ( ) “stop working on something”

#Questão 877053 - Inglês, Adjetivos, Avança SP, 2020, Prefeitura de Itatiba - SP, Professor de Educação Básica - PEB II - inglês

Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate adjectives/adverbs.

I. “They live in a ____ five-bedroom house”
II. “He was an _____ father, she loved him”
III. “We had a lot of fun during this _____ trip”
IV. “It was so _____ in my son’s bedroom, so stinky.”

#Questão 877054 - Inglês, Verbos, Avança SP, 2020, Prefeitura de Itatiba - SP, Professor de Educação Básica - PEB II - inglês

Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate verbs.

I. “The way to get _____ is to quit talking and begin doing.”

II. “We may encounter many defeats but we must not _____ defeated.”

III. “Today’s accomplishments _____ yesterday’s impossibilities.”

IV. “People who are crazy enough to ______ they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

#Questão 877055 - Inglês, Verbos, Avança SP, 2020, Prefeitura de Itatiba - SP, Professor de Educação Básica - PEB II - inglês

Read the following sentences and complete, respectively, with the appropriate verbs.

I. “At the touch of love everyone ______ a poet.”
II. “Don’t let yesterday ______ up too much of today.”
III. “Blessed are the curious for they ______ have adventures.”
IV. “The journey, not the arrival _______.”

#Questão 881388 - Geografia, Geografia Física, Avança SP, 2020, Prefeitura de Itatiba - SP, Professor de Educação Básica - PEB II - Geografia

Concernente às bacias hidrográficas, julgue os itens a seguir e, ao final, assinale a alternativa correta:

I – Foz: local em que um rio deságua em outra área com água.

II – Afluente: rio de pequena vazão que deságua no afluente.

III – Subafluente: rio intermediário que alimenta o principal.

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