Questões de Língua Inglesa da SERCTAM

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa da SERCTAM

Circle the alternative which has the most appropriate pronouns to this sentence respectively: “I went to the supermarket to buy ___ sugar because we didn’t have ___.”

Fill in the blanks with the best degrees of comparison: “That yellow car is not __________ this red one. You should buy the red one. It is __________ and __________.”

What’s the passive voice of:

“The police officer is questioning the suspect and the witnesses.”

Complete the sentence with the correct modal verbs in the appropriate form respectively: “When I was 10 years old, I _____ bake cookies, but now I _____.”

Complete the sentence with the best relative pronouns respectively:

“Albert Sabin, ____ has never won a Nobel Prize, invented an oral vaccine ____ prevents the poliomyelitis.”

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