Questões de Inglês da Prefeitura de Fortaleza - CE

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Listagem de Questões de Inglês da Prefeitura de Fortaleza - CE

#Questão 1021762 - Inglês, Adjetivos | Adjectives, Prefeitura de Fortaleza - CE, 2022, Prefeitura de Fortaleza - CE, 2022 - Prefeitura de Fortaleza - CE - Professor - Língua Inglesa

“Obesity is still rising among American adults, despite more than a decade of public-awareness campaigns and other efforts to get people to watch their weight, and women have now overtaken men in the obese category, new government research shows.” According to the text, overtaken is in what tense? 

“Language learning, and therefore teaching, is also teaching learners ways of learning. Showing them how to learn independently of the teacher increases their belief in themselves. By doing some Learner Training in class, the teacher is contributing to develop learners’ autonomy.”

According to the passage, which of the alternatives below is NOT part of Learner Training?

#Questão 1021764 - Inglês, Pronomes | Pronouns, Prefeitura de Fortaleza - CE, 2022, Prefeitura de Fortaleza - CE, 2022 - Prefeitura de Fortaleza - CE - Professor - Língua Inglesa

Choose the correct sequence to complete the following paragraph.

Aldous Huxley, _____ I met only once, is arriving tomorrow. His most famous book, _____ contains interesting ideas, is called Brave New World. Mr. Huxley warns us against the consequences of technology, ______ may destroy us if we do not take the necessary precautions.

After reading the following passage, choose the correct answers to the question.

According to the ideas proposed, choose the correct option.

After reading the following passage, choose the correct answers to the question.

Which of these sentences is TRUE?

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