Questões de Língua Inglesa da IDECAN

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa da IDECAN

#Questão 618554 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, IDECAN, 2017, CBMDF/DF, Aspirante Cirurgião Dentista

“You’d better see a doctor” is the contration of:

#Questão 618555 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, IDECAN, 2017, CBMDF/DF, Aspirante Cirurgião Dentista

Mark the option that correctly completes the sentence about Arnold.

“It’s extremely important that ______________ warned about the consequences of such behavior.”

#Questão 618556 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, IDECAN, 2017, CBMDF/DF, Aspirante Cirurgião Dentista

Mark the item which contains an inconsistency and its corresponding correction.

#Questão 618557 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, IDECAN, 2017, CBMDF/DF, Aspirante Cirurgião Dentista

About the fragment “It was there that he began writing the more than 500 compositions that he was to produce” it is correct to state that:

#Questão 618094 - Língua Inglesa, Vocabulário, IDECAN, 2016, SEARH/RN, Professor de Língua Inglesa

Choose the item that completes the sentence.

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