Questões de Língua Inglesa da CETRO

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa da CETRO

Choose one alternative to fill in the blank spaces of the first sentence.

English ______ India has not only acquired a wide range ______ functions, but ______ its process ______ Indianisation it has linguistically evolved ______ its own characteristic features ______ the phonological, lexical, syntactic and even discourse level.

Read the sentences below taken from text A.

I. I heard, also, the fir bough repeat its teasing sound, and ascribed it to the right cause.

II. To my confusion, I discovered the yell was not ideal: hasty footsteps approached my chamber door.

III. No one will thank you for a doze in such a den.

IV. The snow and wind whirled wildly through, even reaching my station.

Rewritten, the sentences above will read as

#Questão 489253 - Língua Inglesa, Geral, CETRO, 2012, Prefeitura de Campinas - SP, Professor de Educação Básica III

“What would define English as a global language?” The following answers were given:

I. it is the language of maritime communication and international air traffic control.

II. it is acknowledged as the language of popular culture primarily in the entertainment fields of cinema and music.

III. in global terms, its importance is second only to Chinese, the most widely spoken language in the world in terms of the number of native speakers.

The correct answer(s) is(are)

#Questão 489255 - Língua Inglesa, Geral, CETRO, 2012, Prefeitura de Campinas - SP, Professor de Educação Básica III

The English language

From questions 19 to 25, fill in the blanks with the correct alternative.

Constructions …………… steel for several reasons.

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