Questões sobre Voz Ativa e Passiva | Passive and Active Voice

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Listagem de Questões sobre Voz Ativa e Passiva | Passive and Active Voice

#Questão 922449 - Inglês, Voz Ativa e Passiva | Passive and Active Voice, IDESG, 2023, Prefeitura de Vila Valério - ES, Professor em função de docência - MAPB - EF - ANOS FINAIS - LÍNGUA INGLESA

Which sentence is in the Passive Voice? Choose the CORRECT answer.

Marque a alternativa correta quanto às formas de voz passiva:

Observe o período abaixo e assinale a alternativa que corresponde à voz passiva dessa construção:
They should have locked the jewels in a safe.

Cybersecurity: An overview of cyber challenges facing the nation, and actions needed

Federal agencies and the nation’s critical infrastructure — such as energy, transportation systems, communications, and financial services — depend on Information Technology (IT) systems to carry out operations and process essential data. However, the risks to these IT systems are increasing—including insider threats from witting or unwitting employees, escalating and emerging threats from around the globe, and the emergence of new and more destructive attacks. Rapid developments in new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and ubiquitous Internet and cellular connectivity, can also introduce security issues. Over 28,000 security incidents were reported by federal civilian agencies to the Department of Homeland Security in FY 2019.

Additionally, since many government IT systems contain vast amounts of personally identifiable information (PII), federal agencies must protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of this information—and effectively respond to data breaches and security incidents. Likewise, the trend in the private sector of collecting extensive and detailed information about individuals needs appropriate limits.

To highlight the importance of these issues, Government Accountability Office (GAO) has designated information security as a government-wide high-risk area since 1997. This high-risk area was expanded in 2003 to include the protection of critical cyber infrastructure and, in 2015, to include protecting the privacy of PII.

GAO has made about 3,300 recommendations to federal agencies to address cybersecurity shortcomings—and we reported that more than 750 of these had not been fully implemented as of December 2020. We designated 67 as priority, meaning that we believe they warrant priority attention from heads of key departments and agencies.

Adapted from: Available on November 16th, 2022

Which of the sentences from the text presented below is in the Passive Voice?

Which sentence from the text is an example of passive voice?

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