Questões sobre Vocabulário

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Listagem de Questões sobre Vocabulário

Read the text below in order to answer questions 27 to 30:


Financial engineers don't wear white lab coats. They don't experiment on rats or perform gas chromatography. Their raw material – money – isn't as jazzy as what biologists and physicists investigate. But the innovations they produce will contribute just as much to economic growth.

Maybe more, in fact. Because without the science of finance, all other sciences are just a bunch of neat concepts. Ideas begin to contribute to human betterment when they're financed – by venture capital, stock offerings, loans, or buyouts. A smoothly operating system showers money on good ideas. Equally important, it cuts off funding to tired ideas and tired companies, so their assets can be deployed more efficiently elsewhere. ( The lack of such a process in Japan helps explain why that nation remains part of the old economy.)

The process of allocating funding only to the most productive sectors

Read the text below in order to answer questions 27 to 30:


Financial engineers don't wear white lab coats. They don't experiment on rats or perform gas chromatography. Their raw material – money – isn't as jazzy as what biologists and physicists investigate. But the innovations they produce will contribute just as much to economic growth.

Maybe more, in fact. Because without the science of finance, all other sciences are just a bunch of neat concepts. Ideas begin to contribute to human betterment when they're financed – by venture capital, stock offerings, loans, or buyouts. A smoothly operating system showers money on good ideas. Equally important, it cuts off funding to tired ideas and tired companies, so their assets can be deployed more efficiently elsewhere. ( The lack of such a process in Japan helps explain why that nation remains part of the old economy.)

When a financial system cuts off funding, it

Read the text below in order to answer questions 24 to 26:


The UK has a history of poor economic performance in comparison with other G7 economies. Much of the blame for this poor performance can be attributed to policy errors made in the past. The Government's macroeconomic framework has been designed to avoid a repeat of mistakes which led to boom and bust cycles and relative underperformance. In the face of the uncertainty and unpredictability of ever more rapid financial flows, the Government believes it is vital to:

. set clear, long-term policy objectives;

. adopt predictable, clear rules for monetary and fiscal policymaking; and

. keep markets properly informed, and insure that objectives and the relevant institutions which implement them are seen to be credible, through increased openness, accountability and transparency.

The text refers to 'boom and bust cycles' which are

Read the text carefully, then answer questions 16 to 20 below. Choose the answer that is correct according to the ideas in the text.

The expression "flat rate" (line 5) means a tax system that

Atenção: As questões de números 96 a 100 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna é

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