Questões sobre Gramática

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Listagem de Questões sobre Gramática

Based on the meanings in Text I, the two items that express synonymous ideas are

Judge the following items, concerning the vocabulary used in text 6A4AAA.

In the text, "allotted to" (l.29) is synonymous with designated to.

Based on text CB1A5BBB, judge the following items.

In line 31, the connector “Hence” introduces a logical conclusion.

Concerning the ideas of the previous text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following items.

The word ¡°resources¡± (§¤.27) could be replaced with sources, preserving the meaning of the sentence.

Concerning the ideas of the previous text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following items.

In the text, the word ¡°dominance¡± (§¤.15) is synonymous with dominion.

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