Questões sobre Artigos | Articles

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Listagem de Questões sobre Artigos | Articles

Consider weather the gaps in the following sentences should be filled with 1 – a, 2 – an, 3 – the, or 4 – no article: •   They would like to visit __ Metropolitan Museum when we go to New York. •   Kathy is in __ high school, so she has some time to think about what to study next. •   I don’t have __ cat, you must have seen __ neighbor’s. •   That day we saw __ man who looked like Johnny Depp.
Mark the alternative that fills in, correctly and respectively, the gaps in the sentences above:

Creating Knowledge Base Videos

texto_13 - 19 .png (767×487)

(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test). 

Mark the alternative that best completes the blanks in lines 15 and 16 (both occurrences) in order.

#Questão 924919 - Inglês, Artigos | Articles, FGV, 2023, Receita Federal, Analista-Tributário (manhã)

Text II

Global commerce 

    Driverless vehicles whizz across five new berths at Tuas Mega Port, which sits on a swathe of largely reclaimed land at the western tip of Singapore. Unmanned cranes loom overhead, circled by camera-fitted drones. The berths are the first of 21 due by 2027. When it is completed in 2040, the complex will be the largest container port on Earth, boasts PSA International, its Singaporean owner.
   Tuas is a vision of the future on two fronts. It illustrates how port operators the world over are deploying clever technologies to meet the demand for their services in the face of obstacles to the development of new facilities, from lack of space to environmental concerns. More fundamentally, the city-state’s investment, with construction costs estimated at $15bn, is part of a wave of huge bets by the broader logistics industry on the rising importance of Asia, and South-East Asia in particular. The IMF expects the region’s five largest economies—Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and Thailand—to be the fastest-growing bloc in the world by trade volumes between 2022 and 2027. The result is that the map of global commerce and the blueprints for its critical nodes are being simultaneously redrawn.

From: The Economist, January 14, 2023, pp. 57-58

The overall position of the article is rather

#Questão 922604 - Inglês, Artigos | Articles, UniRV - GO, 2023, Prefeitura de Rio Verde - GO, Professor de Educação Básica II (PEB II) - Inglês

Assinale a alternativa incorreta quanto ao uso de artigos definidos e indefinido: 

The article was correctly used in the sentence “Online translators have been an useful tool for students”.

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