Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2010

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2010

In the sentence "Este crescimento foi maior até mesmo que o do PIB nacional, que subiu 5,4% em 2007 e alcançou R$ 2,55 trilhões." (lines 19-21), the verb forms "subiu" and "alcançou" would correspond in English to

In the excerpt "soja lidera as remessas para o exterior e pode levar o Brasil a superar os EUA no comércio internacional" (lines 3-5), the phrases "lidera", "remessas para o exterior" and "comércio internacional" can be suitably translated as, respectively,

The sentence "Being less urbanized, Africa and Asia are liable to experience rapid rates of urbanization during 2000-2030."(lines 46-48) is adequately rendered in Portuguese as

Read the following incomplete sentence: "Há diferenças marcantes ___I___ da urbanização entre ___II___." Mark the set that could fill in the blanks so as to make this sentence a suitable Portuguese equivalent to "There are marked differences in the level and pace of urbanization among less developed regions." (lines 40-41).

Check the only alternative in which the expression in bold type has the same meaning as the item given.

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