Questões Concurso SEDUC/RJ

Pesquise questões de concurso nos filtros abaixo

Listagem de Questões Concurso SEDUC/RJ

Questions 21 to 28 address both the teaching of English as a foreign language and the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais – PCN. Read them and mark the right alternative: The development of a specific foreign language ability may be hindered by the:

Questions 21 to 28 address both the teaching of English as a foreign language and the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais – PCN. Read them and mark the right alternative: Among the numerous educational rights pertaining to the Brazilian citizen, the PCN stress one in particular, namely, that every learner:

Questions 21 to 28 address both the teaching of English as a foreign language and the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais – PCN. Read them and mark the right alternative: One teaching objective left out of the PCN is that the curriculum:

The connection established between the two clauses in the excerpt “As long as you’re fit, …., don’t worry about the few extra pounds”, (line 48-49) may be described as one of:

Adjectives describe the features of people and things denoted by nouns or pronouns. On the whole, they cannot be identifi ed by their form, but most typically by their functions in a sentence (Carter and McCarthy, 2006: 236). According to the text, the only sequence that contains words which function as adjectives is :

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