Questões de Inglês da GUALIMP

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Listagem de Questões de Inglês da GUALIMP

Look at the sentence below. The word “hard” refers to a specific part of speech. Which one? Choose the CORRECT answer.
“He works “hard” every day. His parents should be proud of him.

Complete the sentence below with the correct verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.
“He told me about his favorite, but I _________ its name.”

Complete the sentence below with the modal verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.
“It’s a rule and as students we have no other option. We _________ wear uniforms in school.”

Look at the picture and complete the sentence below with the correct preposition. Choose the CORRECT answer.

“The watermelon is _________ the fridge.”

Complete the sentence below with the correct verbs. Choose the CORRECT answer.

“The plane _________ to make a strange noise when we _________.”

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