Questões de Inglês da FACET Concursos

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Listagem de Questões de Inglês da FACET Concursos

Read the two extracts from the article. And analyze the statements regarding True (T) or False (F).
The Edinburgh declaration, which will now be opened to signatories worldwide, says its supporters are “deeply concerned about the significant implications that the loss of biodiversity and climate change has on our livelihood and communities. (lines 25, 26, 27)
“Indeed, the Covid-19 global pandemic has reminded us how important it is to live in harmony with nature.” (lines 29, 30)
i. the use of “its” in “say its supporters” is the same use of “it is” in “how important it is”; ii. “its” in “say its supporters” refers to supporters of the Edinburgh declaration; iii. in “our livelihood”, “our” is an object pronoun; iv. in “has reminded us”, “us” is an object pronoun;

Observe the underlined elements in the sentence: ““What we need to do is work with local communities, local governments and local communities – that’s how we’re going to meet those targets.” (lines 11, 12) and choose the best alternative that describes them:

Analyze the excerpts below regarding verb tenses respectively in the order they appear:
i. “[…] that’s how we’re going to meet those targets.” (line 12) ii. The Aichi biodiversity goals for 2020 included removing all incentives or subsidies harmful to nature (line 19, 20) iii. […] which will now be opened to signatories worldwide […] (line 24) iv. […] but the UK is not yet meeting the targets […] (lines 34, 35)

Observe the following extracts and choose the statement that reflects the realities of the underlined elements.
Edinburgh declaration calls on leaders to work far more closely with communities (subtitle) principal science adviser at NatureScot, (lines 9, 10)

i. we could replace “on” by “to” without losing the meaning

ii. we could replace “at” by “in” without losing the meaning

iii. “at” means he works or consults for this place

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