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#Questão 877070 - Inglês, Tradução, AMEOSC, 2020, Prefeitura de Itapiranga - SC, Professor de Língua Estrangeira - Inglês

Newly discovered primate 'already facing extinction'

   The Popa langur, named after its home on Mount Popa, is critically endangered with numbers down to about 200 individuals.
   Langurs are a group of leaf-eating monkeys that are found across south east Asia.
   The newly described animal is known for its distinctive spectacle-like eye patches and greyish-coloured fur. It is at risk from habitat loss and hunting.
   Scientists have long suspected there might be a new species in Myanmar, based on DNA extracted from the droppings of wild monkeys, but evidence has been hard to find. 

(Adaptado de

No texto, a frase “greyish-coloured fur” significa:

Read the text below to answer the question.

How octopuses ‘taste’ things by touching

   Octopus arms have minds of their own. Each of these eight supple yet powerful limbs can explore the seafloor in search of prey, snatching crabs from hiding spots without direction from the octopus’ brain. But how each arm can tell what it’s grasping has remained a mystery.

   Now, researchers have identified specialized cells not seen in other animals that allow octopuses to “taste” with their arms. Embedded in the suckers, these cells enable the arms to do double duty of touch and taste by detecting chemicals produced by many aquatic creatures. This may help an arm quickly distinguish food from rocks or poisonous prey, Harvard University molecular biologist Nicholas Bellono and his colleagues report online October 29 in Cell.

   The findings provide another clue about the unique evolutionary path octopuses have taken toward intelligence. Instead of being concentrated in the brain, two-thirds of the nerve cells in an octopus are distributed among the arms, allowing the flexible appendages to operate semiindependently.

(Adapted from: 

The text states the cells embedded in the suckers enable the arms to do double duty of touch and taste, which means, in Portuguese, the animal have sensory skills like:

Analise as afirmativas a seguir:
I. Em inglês, a frase “to cut a lomg story short”, possui um verbo reflexivo cujo significado principal é equivalente a “reutilizar” ou “reformar”. Assim, essa frase pode ser melhor traduzida como “para reutilizar algo” ou “para reformar algo”. II. O trecho a seguir, em inglês, está corretamente grafado: to keep to oneself (isolar-se dos outros espontaneamente).
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Use the following text to answer the question.


The Age of Exploration started in the 1400's. Europeans were desperate to get spices from Asia. Spices were used to preserve foods and keep them from spoiling. Spices, however, were expensive and dangerous to get. European rulers began to pay for explorations to find a sea route to Asia so they could get spices cheaper.

Portugal was the first country that sent explorers to search for the sea route to Asia. After Bartholomew Dias and his crew made it to Africa's Cape of Good Hope, Vasco da Gama and his crew became the first to sail around Africa and through the Indian Ocean to India in 1497. Spain, however, would soon take over the lead in exploration. When Portugal refused to finance Christopher Columbus' idea to sail west to find the shortcut to the Indies, Columbus convinced Spain's King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to finance it. On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus and his crew reached the island of Hispaniola. Although Columbus believed he had reached Asia, he had actually discovered the entire continent of North America and claimed it for Spain.

Spain quickly colonized North America. Ponce de Leon discovered Florida, and the first European settlement in the New World was later established at St. Augustine. Hernando Cortes crushed the Aztec empire in Mexico and claimed it for Spain. Francisco Pizarro did the same to the Incan Empire in South America. Other explorers such as Francisco Coronado and Hernando de Soto claimed other portions of North America for Spain. Vasco Nunez de Balboa even claimed the entire Pacific Ocean for Spain. As the Spanish empire grew, explorers forced native populations into slavery and to convert to Christianity. Meanwhile, France began to explore North America. Explorations by Giovanni Verrazano and Jacques Cartier resulted in French claims of much of Canada and the north Atlantic coast. England would soon attempt to make its presence known by financing pirates such as Francis Drake to plunder Spanish settlements and steal gold from Spanish sea vessels. England also established a settlement in North Carolina in 1587. Territorial disputes and constant pirating resulted in a series of major wars between the competing nations. In 1588, the British Army defeated the vaunted Spanish Armada. The British victory proved a serious blow to Spanish influence in the New World.

Although Spain still controlled much of the New World after defeat, England and France were able to accelerate their colonization. England soon established successful colonies throughout the eastern portions of the United States, and France had colonies in Canada and the middle portions of the United States. By the mid 1700's, new territorial disputes between England and France eventually resulted in England gaining control over much of North America after the French and Indian War. English colonies flourished in North America until 1776 when the colonists declared their independence. The Revolutionary War ensued and resulted in independence for the colonists. The United States of America was formed. 

What does the word “throughout” mean on the fourth paragraph?

“... England soon established successful colonies throughout the eastern portions of the United States...”

Analise as afirmativas a seguir:
I. O trecho “there are no get files on him”, em inglês, está corretamente grafado e seu significado equivale a “ele não é bobo e não se deixa enganar”. II. A grafia do trecho a seguir em inglês está correta: you can now rim from his brother. A tradução mais correta para essa frase é: você não pode opinar sobre essa situação; ou você deve permanecer imparcial.
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