Questões sobre Interpretação de texto

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Listagem de Questões sobre Interpretação de texto

#Questão 877000 - Inglês, Interpretação de texto, OMNI, 2021, Prefeitura de Piratuba - SC, Professor de Ensino Fundamental I e II - Inglês - Não Habilitado

Leia o texto abaixo e assinale a alternativa CORRETA relacionada ao texto: The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that it will deliver 237 million vaccines from the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca with the University of Oxford to 142 nations by the end of May through the Covax alliance, an international mechanism to ensure equitable distribution of vaccines against Covid -19 around the world. According to a statement published by the WHO, the schedule for the delivery of Covax doses foresees two two-month schedules, the first in February-March and the second in April-May. Redação adaptada > Disponível <

Based on the information from the text, it is possible to say that Amy Sillman’s project for MoMA is:

In the sentence “Those targets were due to have been met by 2020. (line 7)”, the underlined means:

The economist. science & technology. Feb 20th 2020

edition. Internet: (adapted).

Imagine that a teacher wanted to further the reading skills of her pupils, and that, to do so, she decided to work with text 22A1-II in her class. Considering this and the reading strategies that can be developed in English classes, judge the following statements.

I By asking her pupils to guess the overall sense of the text just from its title, she would be promoting the use of the technique known as skimming.
II Exercises based on the skimming technique would demand her pupils to have a high level of vocabulary.
III If she asks the students to find out the name of the university in which Dr Barret works, they would be making a prediction.

Choose the correct option.

The economist. science & technology. Feb 20th 2020

edition. Internet: (adapted).

About text 22A1-II, choose the correct option.

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