Questões sobre Gramática

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From the fragment of Text II “Explaining the ‘triple carbon impact’ of Amazonian oil extraction, the report says that copious amount of carbon is emitted when the rainforest is cut down to establish drill sites” (lines 25-28), the word report refers to

#Questão 489687 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, CESGRANRIO, 2014, Petrobras, Engenheiro de Segurança Júnior

The expression from Text II upstream, midstream and downstream (lines 8-9) implies that investment programmes will be respectively directed to costs that involve

#Questão 488742 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, CESGRANRIO, 2013, IBGE, Analista de Planejamento, Gestão e Infraestrutura

In the excerpts of Text II: “The US economic and social systems are set up to provide opportunity for immigrants to prosper” (lines 10-12) and “if immigrants are instead brought in as low-wage replacements for American workers” (lines 60-61) set up and brought in mean, respectively,

#Questão 488750 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, CESGRANRIO, 2013, IBGE, Analista de Planejamento, Gestão e Infraestrutura

In the excerpt of Text I: “other estimates find that immigration raises the wages of all US workers, regardless of education” (lines 23-25), regardless of, is substituted, without change in meaning, by

The excerpt that includes a word (modal) in bold that conveys the meaning “of obligation” is:

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